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New Balance

The beginning of the New Balance brand dates back to 1906, when an English emigrant in the United States of America, William J. Riley, began producing and marketing orthopedic insoles to correct problems and relieve the pain of people who spent all day standing.

The New Balance palms were successful at the time and quickly William began producing shoes for police officers, firefighters and waiters. Later, athletes would surrender to the comfort of their sneakers and use them in different sports, such as athletics, basketball, tennis, among others. New Balance began to expand worldwide.

Currently the brand is present in 120 countries. There are more than 200 own stores around the world.

At New Balance, the focus is on supporting athletes in the quest for excellence, either by helping them win new records and medals or by motivating them on a daily basis to achieve their goals: running their first 5 kilometers or, simply, maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.

For this reason, their products are the perfect combination of functionality and fashion, creating a better balance between technological performance and the latest style. At the New Balance store in Designer Outlet Algarve offers outlet prices, sneakers and cross-training apparel, running shoes, tennis shoes, soccer shoes, futsal shoes and other sports, as well as a wide range of lifestyle, for men and women.


New Balance

Designer Outlet Algarve
Loja 61
Avenida Algarve
8135-182 Almancil

289 514 924 (National landline call)
